A message from our new Chief Officer Sarah Powell

Hello! I wanted to introduce myself and say how thrilled I am to be the new Chief Officer at Stockport and District Mind.

I am excited to be taking on the role as mental health is something I am very passionate about, having had over 23 years’ experience of working within this field for the NHS.

Leaving the NHS wasn’t a decision I made lightly, however I recognise the huge importance of the VCSE community and the added value it brings. I live in Stockport, and I am very much looking forward to a fresh challenge and utilising my skills to further enable Stockport Mind to support the mental health and wellbeing of our local community.

As I move forward in my position, I am keen to learn more about the key needs of mental health in Stockport and build connections with local organisations, businesses and people, so that we can highlight how much mental health matters.

I look forward to working with you all.


Posted on: 2nd May 2023

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